Whiskers NewsPlease Donate!

  • Read the most recent  NEWSLETTER 

  • adopt now!SEPT. 13-15 ~ Join us for a very special Back to School adoption event! Pairs of kittens are $50 off! Adult cats are $25 off! You must have an approved adoption application on file to adopt! Be sure to fill out an adoption application here now for pre-approval. Appointments highly recommended and have priority. Get your new study-buddy!!

  • ANNUAL BENEFIT DINNER OCTOBER 12th  6-10pm at the Wyndham ticketsHotel in Southbury! Our biggest fundraiser of the year is coming up soon! Get your tickets now! It's going to be a Carnival theme, and we are switching it up for food this year! Instead of the same standard buffet dinner, this year there will be food booths with a big variety of your favorite carnival foods, which we know everyone loves!! There will also be fun carnival games to play. We will have our usual GIANT RAFFLE (it gets bigger every year!) and 50/50 Raffle. It is going to be awesome! Bring your friends and support Whiskers! It's been a really tough year, and we need this event to be the biggest success ever!!



Stevie Wonder can see just fine, but he is a kitten with Cerebellar Hypoplasia (CH). Stevie is such a wonderful, sweet, playful 5 month old boy. He needs someone willing to adopt a special needs kitten and give him the loving family he deserves. He is a "wobbly cat" with poor balance and mobility. CH cats don't know they are any different or that they have "special needs". They are just as happy and playful as any other cat or kitten, they are just "floppy". Stevie does get around in his own way, and he uses the litter box. CH does not get any better or any worse, it just is what it is. No small children, or cats or dogs that could possibly bother or injure him. Another CH cat would probably be awesome!   VIDEO of Stevie.   Read more about CH HERE 

Stevie is in foster, so is not normally at the shelter. His foster will bring him in for appointments to meet him once someone is approved to adopt.  Please apply online here. 

💜 REDUCED ADOPTION FEE thanks to a kind donor! 💜

LOLA is soooo cute and friendly! The volunteers don't know why she is still here!!  She is 6 yrs old, the perfect age for someone who doesn't want a crazy kitten, but wants a kitty that can still be playful and fun. She is also a great age if you have younger kids. Lola loves people, but not other animals! She definitely does need to be the only pet.
Please apply online here






 LILY is an extremely loving and playful little 2 year old tabby girl. 💜 She would be a great addition to any family!  We don't understand why she is still here! 

Please apply online here.