Be a Foster for Whiskers
NOTE: Fosters do need to be 21+ and be local to Southbury (within 30 minutes +/-) because you may need to bring kittens/cats in for vet appts, and also need to be able to pick up supplies. APPLY TO BE A FOSTER HERE. If you have more questions before you apply, please email
Our Foster Care Program is vital to our organization. Our foster families give a loving temporary home to our rescued cats/kittens until they are ready to go to their forever homes.
All fosters need to have a spare room or a designated separate space in their home where foster cats can be kept separate from other pets. Cats go into foster homes for a variety of reasons: pregnancy, medical needs, illness, recovering from surgery, kittens too young for adoption, and socialization.
FOSTERS for Pregnant/Mom cats with kittens and orphan kittens: Fostering these will usually be a time commitment of 3-12 weeks, depending on the stage of pregnancy and age/health of the kittens, etc. All food, litter, veterinary care and necessary medications are provided by Whiskers. We also provide support and guidance.
*Fosters will need to be able to bring their cats/kittens to the shelter or the vet as needed or scheduled for check-ups, vaccinations, etc. We will do our best to accommodate your schedule, if possible. We especially need fosters for pregnant cats/Mom cats and their kittens, until the kittens are old enough for adoption at approximately 9 weeks.
SOCIALIZATION FOSTER: We also need fosters willing to help out with cats or kittens that need socialization by taking them home and working with them until they become more at ease and adoptable.
MEDICAL FOSTER: Sometimes we have cats or kittens recovering from illness, injury or surgery that need a foster to take care of them until; they recover. This requires being able to medicate, clean, and otherwise care for the sick or injured cat. You should have experience medicating cats and be able to know if there is an issue. We will train people who want to learn over time, as you foster healthy kittens and cats.
HOSPICE FOSTER: Occasionally, we get extremely elderly or terminally ill (cancer, etc) cats that still have quality of life and need a hospice foster. We want them to be able to live out the remainder of their lives in a quiet, happy, loving home and not in a busy, noisy shelter cage. All their needs are supplied, they just need a kind person to give then a temporary home.